Everyman5983 ₽
Independent People | Set in the early twentieth century, Independent People, by Nobel Prize-winning author Halldor Laxness, recalls both Iceland's medieval epics and such classics as Sigrid Undset's K...
Everyman4113 ₽
Pigs Have Wings | It is pig stealing time in Shropshire. After winning the Fat Pig competition for two years in a row with Empress of Blandings, Lord Emsworth's ascendancy at the Agricultural Show is ...
Everyman4490 ₽
Blandings Castle | Take a pig, a fat-headed earl, a country house, several pairs of frustrated lovers, some scheming outsiders, and all sorts of people who aren’t who they say they are. Mix thoroughly...
Everyman7344 ₽
Selected Works | Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832) is one of the towering figures of world culture, a universal man whose extraordinary talents found expression in literature, drama, autobiograph...
Everyman4114 ₽
Mike at Wrykyn | In this charming story of the Jackson cricketing dynasty at boarding school, Wodehouse evokes the peaceful, prosperous world of middle-class England before the Great War, a place wher...
Everyman5508 ₽
Stories of Motherhood | Stories of Motherhood gathers together more than a century of short fiction from a wide variety of authors in a literary celebration of the most elemental of human relationship...
Everyman4838 ₽
Fairy Tales | 'Hansel and Gretel', 'Rumpelstiltskin', 'Rapunzel' and 'Snow White' are among the jewels we owe to the brothers Grimm, who began in the first decade of the nineteenth century to seek out...
Everyman6609 ₽
The Good Soldier Svejk | An attack on war which broadens into a satire on the Ancien Regime of the Austro-Hungarian empire, The Good Soldier Svejk recreates the age-old figure of the simple soldier wh...
Everyman5307 ₽
The Mayor Of Casterbridge | D H Lawrence remarked that Hardy's best novels were about 'the struggle into love and the struggle with love', and The Major of Castlebridge is no exception. One of the lon...
Everyman4490 ₽
Young Men in Spats | Wodehouse is at his most sparkling in this collection of stories concering members of the Drones Club. Pongo Twistleton and Freddie Widgeon may be small of brain and short of cash...
Everyman4406 ₽
Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning Poems | Celebrated in their time and still popular over a century after their deaths, Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett had a unique relationship which is ref...
Everyman4490 ₽
Mulliner Nights | Always to be found in the bar-parlour of the Angler's Rest where he is a favourite with the accomplished barmaid, Miss Postlethwaite, Mr Mulliner, the narrator of Meet Mr Mulliner, r...
Everyman4842 ₽
Germinal | Despite the grimness of his subject and the accuracy of his description, Zola tells an irresistible tale of life above and below ground among the mining families of Montsou. By turns heroic...
Everyman4406 ₽
The Code of the Woosters | Nothing but trouble can ensue when Bertie Wooster's Aunt Dahlia instructs him to steal a silver jug from Totleigh Towers, home of magistrate and hell-hound, Sir Watkyn Basse...
Everyman4490 ₽
Over Seventy | When is an autobiography not an autobiography? When the author is P. G. Wodehouse. Over Seventy purports to be a series of answers to stray questions about ageing given by a rambling ol...
Everyman4656 ₽
Fairy Tales | Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales originally appeared in batches each Christmas in the mid-19th century, and Spink's English translation was first published in 1960. This edition has...
Everyman4490 ₽
The Clicking of Cuthbert | Who but P.G. Wodehouse could have extraced high comedy from the most noble and ancient game of golf? And who else could have combined this comedy with a real appreciation of...
Everyman5586 ₽
Daniel Deronda | George Eliot's last novel, published in 1876, weaves together two stories, one about Gwendolen Harleth, the spoilt beauty who marries for money, the other concerning the mysterious he...
Everyman8445 ₽
The Count of Monte Cristo | On the day of his wedding, Edmond Dantes, master mariner, is arrested in Marseille on trumped-up charges and spirited away to the cellars of the Chateau d'If, an impregnabl...
Everyman3162 ₽
Sherlock Homes | ‘Am dining at Goldini’s Restaurant, Gloucester Road, Kensington. Please come at once and join me there. Bring with you a jemmy, a dark lantern, a chisel, and a revolver – S. H.’ The g...
Everyman4490 ₽
Uncle Dynamite | Although the story of Uncle Dynamite concerns Bill Oakshott's struggle to find ways of getting his girl while financing his inheritance at Ashenden Manor, the real hero of the book is...
Everyman4114 ₽
Snow | Returning to Turkey from exile in the West, the secular poet Ka is driven by curiosity to investigate a surprising wave of suicides among religious girls forbidden by the government to wear the...
Everyman5870 ₽
Villette | Left by harrowing circumstances to fend for herself in the great capital of a foreign country, Lucy Snowe, the narrator and heroine of Villette, achieves by degrees an authentic independenc...
Everyman4862 ₽
London Fields | Amis’s powers of comic invention are formidable in this dark tale of disaster, sex, love, murder - and darts. Set in a pre-millennial, pre-apocalyptic London, the novel follows femme f...
Everyman5503 ₽
The Castle | Summoned to take up the position of a land surveyor to the mysterious lord of a castle, the character known as K. finds himself in a bitter and baffling struggle to contact his new employ...
Everyman4114 ₽
Kid Brady Stories. A Man of Means | This volume reprints two of Wodehouse's earliest story sequences, each linked by a central character, a technique he used many times thereafter. Delightful in thems...
Everyman4113 ₽
Love Stories | Love Stories brings together a captivating assortment of short stories inspired by romantic entanglement in its many forms: first love, infatuation, obsession, unrequited love, marriage...
Everyman4774 ₽
The Scarlet Letter | The Scarlet Letter is the story of Hester Prynne, a woman taken in adultery, arraigned by her Puritan community, and abandoned by her husband and her lover - a gripping narrative ...
Everyman4770 ₽
To The Lighthouse | One of the most popular twentieth-century novels, To the Lighthouse is the story of a woman and her family experiencing the passage of time and seeking to recapture meaning from th...
Everyman4490 ₽
Money in the Bank | When George, Viscount Uffenham turns the entire family fortune into diamonds and squirrels them away, naturally he forgets where he has hidden the loot and finds himself compelled ...
Everyman4769 ₽
Lord Emsworth and Others | A collection of stories in which familiar characters and places are reintroduced in unfamiliar circumstances, reminding us - if we need reminding - of their author's limitle...
Everyman11015 ₽
The Cairo Trilogy. Palace Walk. Palace of Desire. Sugar Street | Naguib Mahfouz’s magnificent epic trilogy of colonial Egypt appears here in one volume for the first time. The Nobel Prize-winning writ...
Everyman5730 ₽
The Transylvania Trilogy. Volume 1. They Were Counted | Shooting parties in great country houses, turbulent scenes in parliament and the luxury life in Budapest provide the backdrop for this gripping,...
Everyman4490 ₽
Summer Moonshine | Sir Buckstone Abbot owns what is possibly the ugliest stately home in England, and he is naturally eager to dispose of it to an American heiress, Princess Dwornitzchek. But the sale...
Everyman6973 ₽
Annals and Histories | Tacitus was the greatest historian of the Roman empire. Born in about AD 55, he served as administrator and leading senator. This career gave him an intimate view of the empire ...
Everyman4862 ₽
Lucky Per | An unjustly neglected classic, this sweeping 1904 novel is a Modernist masterpiece and arguably 'the great Danish novel' – but is only newly available in English. Social realism and fairy ...
Everyman4470 ₽
Adam Bede | The exhilaration that comes from reading Adam Bede owes its existence to the fact that on every page George Eliot seems absorbed in the process of spiritual discovery. The evocations of by...
Everyman7484 ₽
The Underworld U.S.A. Trilogy. Volime II. Blood's a Rover | 'America was never innocent.' Thus begins the Underworld U.S.A. Trilogy. It's James Ellroy's pop history of the 1960s, his window-peeper's v...
Everyman5141 ₽
Wuthering Heights | Published in 1847, the year before Emily Bronte’s death at the age of thirty, Wuthering Heights has proved to be one of the nineteenth century’s most popular yet disturbing masterp...
Everyman4114 ₽
A Gentleman of Leisure | In this comic novel - dedicated to Douglas Fairbanks, who starred in the stage version - Jimmy Pitt, man-about-town and former newspaper hound, takes a bet that he cannot comm...
Everyman4039 ₽
Stories of Fatherhood | This wide-ranging anthology pays tribute to fathers young and old. At one end of the spectrum, a touching story by Ann Packer tells of a man preparing for the wonder and terror...
Everyman5508 ₽
Victory | Set in the Malay Archipelago, where Conrad spent much of his youth as an officer in the British Merchant Navy, Victory is a sombre yet brilliant study of good and evil in Conrad's mature man...
Everyman5508 ₽
The Rainbow | This novel renews the Victorian family saga in a modern setting, tracing the history of the Brangwens through several generations. The book was banned when it first appeared in 1915 for ...
Everyman4406 ₽
Leave it to Psmith | It all starts with an umbrella, the best to be found in the Drones Club. From such an innocent beginning Wodehouse weaves a comic tale of suspense and romance involving one of his...
Everyman2362 ₽
Indiscretions of Archie | When an impoverished but charming Englishman, Archie Moffam, marries the daughter of tough American millionaire Daniel Brewster, the stage is set for a characteristic Wodehou...
Everyman4598 ₽
Bedtime Stories | As Scheherazade proved long ago, good stories make the best bedtime entertainment. The tales collected here represent the essence of the storyteller’s art, with its ancient roots in ...
Everyman5959 ₽
Jane Eyre | Now a classic feminist text, Jane Eyre was the first of Charlotte Bronte’s novels to be published, in 1847. Like her sister Emily’s Wuthering Heights, which it matches in power, Charlotte’...
Everyman5436 ₽
Love In The Time Of Cholera | There are novels, like journeys, which you never want to end: this is one of them. One seventh of July at six in the afternoon, a woman of 71 and a man of 78 ascend a gan...
Everyman4114 ₽
Ukridge | If Stanley Featherstonehaugh Ukridge had a fiver for every dodgy scheme he has ever floated, he would be a rich man indeed. In these ten stories he tries every way of making money, from writ...
Everyman4862 ₽
Selected Stories | During his most productive decade, the 1880s, Maupassant wrote more than 300 stories, including ‘Boule de Suif’, ‘The Necklace’, ‘The House of Madame Tellier’, ‘The Hand’, ‘The Horl...
Everyman5157 ₽
The Pickwick Papers | When young Charles Dickens was commissioned to write the text for a series of sporting illustrations in 1836, no one could have suspected that this journeyman task was to turn in...
Everyman5664 ₽
Love in a Cold Climate. The Pursuit of Love | Nancy Mitford modelled the characters in her best-known novels on her own unconventional (and at the time of writing, notorious) family. We are introduced...
Everyman4770 ₽
Stories of Southern Italy | Woven through all these tales are the unique histories and mythologies of the regions of Southern Italy, encompassing Sicily, Calabria, Cantania, Basilicata, Apulia and Cam...
Everyman4490 ₽
The Coming of Bill | The nearest Wodehouse ever came to a serious story, The Coming of Bill is a fascinating blend of social comment and light comedy. It concerns the offspring of Ruth, a spoilt heire...
Everyman4039 ₽
Poems About Trees | For thousands of years humans have variously worshipped trees, made use of them, admired them, and destroyed them— and poets have long chronicled the relationship. In this collecti...
Everyman4114 ₽
The Swoop! and The Military Invasion of America | Clarence Chugwater is not a Boy Scout for nothing. It is summer 1909 and everyone is too interested in the Test Match to notice that England has been ...
Everyman5871 ₽
All Quiet on the Western Front | In 1914 Paul Baumer and his classmates are marched to the local recruiting office by a sentimentally patriotic form-master. On a calm October day in 1918, only a few w...
Everyman4774 ₽
Much Obliged, Jeeves | While staying with his Aunt Dahlia to help out in the election at Market Snodsbury, Bertie Wooster comes up against the familiar horrors of Florence Craye, his former fiancee, a...
Everyman6242 ₽
If This Is A Man. The Truce | Primo Levi's account of life as a concentration camp prisoner falls into two parts. If This is a Man describes his deportation to Poland and the twenty months he spend wo...
Everyman4096 ₽
The Garden Of The Finzi-Continis | It is the autobiography of Giorgio Bassani, told in a time span of around 15 years, a time where the ambiguous and mysterious female figure of Micol was a central pa...
Everyman5871 ₽
Decameron | The Decameron (subtitle: Prencipe Galeotto) is a collection of 100 novellas by Italian author Giovanni Boccaccio, probably begun in 1350 and finished in 1353. It is a medieval allegorical ...
Everyman4114 ₽
The Small Bachelor | Would-be painter, George Finch, with lots of money and no talent, falls for lovely Molly Waddington who falls for him. Unfortunately, Molly's snobbish stepmother, Mrs Sigsbee H. W...
Everyman7344 ₽
The Raj Quartet. Volume 1. The Jewel In The Crown. The Day of The Scorpion | Paul Scott's epic study of British India in its final years has no equal. Tolstoyan in scope and Proustian in detail but co...
Everyman4862 ₽
Fishing Stories | Fishing Stories nets an abundant catch of wonderful writing in a wide variety of genres and styles. The moods range from the comedy of Rudyard Kipling’s ‘On Dry-Cow Fishing as a Fine...